The Little Mermaid - 2023Nordonia Drama dove Under the Sea as they presented Disney's The Little Mermaid as their 2023 spring musical production.
The Little Mermaid ran April 21-23, 2023, and earned two Playhouse Square Dazzle Award nominations. Chris Simmons served as Director, assisted by Megan Gargano, who also choreographed. Bill Shaffer served as Musical Director and Orchestra Conductor, with assistance from Ryan Dulaney. Kitty Flauto also returned to create Disney magic with her hair and makeup designs. |
CLICK HERE for the The Little Mermaid press release.
CLICK HERE for the NewsLeader article on The Little Mermaid. CLICK HERE for the video interview on Mermaid. CLICK HERE for the review. ![]()
CLICK HERE for the Sagamore Voice article on the show.
CLICK HERE for the Dazzle Award nominations. CLICK HERE for the Dazzle Awards photos provided by Playhouse Square. CLICK HERE for the Dazzle Awards Red Carpet Livestream. |
2023 Dazzle Awards
Nordonia Drama participated in the 7th Annual Playhouse Square Dazzle Awards presented by Pat and John Chapman.
Our production of The Little Mermaid earned two nominations: Best Technical Execution and Best Actress for Claire Marchant as Ursula. The Dazzle Awards were held on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at the State Theatre in Playhouse Square. As a Best Actress nominee, Claire performed "Poor Unfortunate Souls" as part of one of the character medleys.
Even though we did not walk away with any awards, we were already winners being able to perform and celebrate the amazing work of high school theatre in Northeast Ohio! Below are photos from that night.
Our production of The Little Mermaid earned two nominations: Best Technical Execution and Best Actress for Claire Marchant as Ursula. The Dazzle Awards were held on Saturday, May 20, 2023 at the State Theatre in Playhouse Square. As a Best Actress nominee, Claire performed "Poor Unfortunate Souls" as part of one of the character medleys.
Even though we did not walk away with any awards, we were already winners being able to perform and celebrate the amazing work of high school theatre in Northeast Ohio! Below are photos from that night.
Production Photos
Photos by Lexi Majoros.